IA2030 Scorecard



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SP 3: Coverage & Equity

High and equitable coverage

DTP3, MCV1, and MCV2 coverage in the 20% of 
districts with the lowest coverage (by country) 
= MCV1
= MCV2

Summary Table

Definition: DTP3, MCV1, and MCV2 coverage in the 20% of districts with lowest coverage (mean across countries)
Method of estimation:

Step 1) Calculate missing values where applicable. Recalculate the number of doses or the target number if possible.

Step 2) Exclude districts if any of the three relevant values (number of doses, target number, and coverage) are missing.

Step 3) Identify the 20% of districts with lowest coverage. For each country, year, and vaccine, order the districts by – 1) ascending coverage and 2) ascending target number. In case multiple districts with the same coverage are spread across multiple quintiles, this will allow districts with smaller population to be classified into lower quintiles. Districts ranking between 1 and (0.2 * total number of districts in the country) are defined as 20% of districts with lowest coverage.

Step 4) Calculate the indicator value.

Country level: Calculate the weighted coverage across the 20% of districts with lowest coverage for each country, year, and vaccine.

  • Numerator: Total number of doses in the 20% lowest districts
  • Denominator: Total target number in the 20% lowest districts

Regional and global level: Calculate the non-weighted average using the national aggregation

Limitations: Reported data is subject to numerous limitations. Country may not have submitted the data through the WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Form on Immunization (JRF) yet at the time of reporting. For newer indicators added to the JRF, it may take some time for the country to establish a system to be able to report the data.
Data source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Form on Immunization (JRF)