IA2030 Scorecard



  • Type to select a Country

Impact Goal 3: Build strong immunization programmes


UHC Index of Service Coverage—Global

Summary Table

UHC Index6868
Definition: Geometric mean (0-100) of 14 tracer indicators of health service coverage organized into four health service areas:
  1. Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH)
  2. Infectious diseases
  3. Noncommunicable diseases
  4. Service capacity and access
Method of estimation:

Step 1) Collate data for all 14 tracer indicators and convert or rescale data for each indicator as needed to be on a scale from 0 (lowest value) to 100 (optimal value).

Step 2) Calculate a geometric mean across tracer indicator values for each of the four health service areas. In countries with low malaria burden, Tracer indicator 7: Malaria is dropped from the calculation.

Step 3) Calculate the geometric mean of the four geometric mean values calculated in Step 2.

Detailed methodology for calculating indices, including the handling of missing values at country and regional levels, can be found in the SDG metadata repository (https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/metadata/files/Metadata-03-08-01.pdf) updated on an annual basis.

Limitations: Due to data limitations, not all tracer indicators used to compute the index are direct measures of service coverage. These proxy indicators will be replaced in future years when more data become available. The selected tracer indicators are meant to represent the broad range of essential health services necessary for progress towards UHC; they should not be interpreted as a recommended basket of services.
Data source: Universal Health Coverage Service Coverage Index (country-level SDG 3.8.1 estimates: https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/indicators/indicator-details/GHO/uhc-index-of-service-coverage), UN Population Division’s World Population Prospects