IA2030 Scorecard



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Impact Goal 2: Promote Equity

Provide access to all vaccines

Introduction of new or underutilized vaccines in low- and middle-income countries—Global

Target: At least
cumulative vaccine introductions in low- and middle-income countries by 2030

On track toward 2030 target

Summary Table

Vaccine introductions202020212022
Hep A100
HepB BD102
DTP Booster021
Yellow Fever001
Definition: Number of introductions of new or under-utilized vaccines in low- and middle-income countries based on most recent World Bank income status classification at the time of reporting. Year of introduction is based on the year the vaccine was first reported, including cases where a vaccine was introduced and was suspended or not administered.

• Vaccines included in this indicator that are recommended by WHO for use in national immunization schedules in all countries: HepB birth dose, Hib, HPV, IPV2, MCV2, PCV, Rotavirus, Rubella, DTP booster (currently reporting the fourth dose regardless of what age it was administered), and COVID-19 (interim recommendation).
o Only national introductions are included for the indicator reporting
o Except for DTP booster, all other vaccines are included based on WHO recommendations – DTP booster is to be revisited in the future to further align with the WHO recommendations
• Vaccines included in this indicator that are recommended by WHO for use in national immunization schedules in countries in certain geographic region(s), in some high-risk populations, or in immunization programmes with certain characteristics: YF, JE, MenA, multivariate meningitis, HepA, influenza, varicella, and mumps
o Typhoid, cholera, dengue, and rabies are included in the IA2030 Framework for Action as part of the indicator reporting but are not being reported on pending further discussions around indicator revision.

Method of estimation: Step 1) Calculate the indicator value. Count the number of introductions of new or under-utilized vaccines in low- and middle-income countries among WHO Member States.
Limitations: Vaccine may have been introduced earlier than reported but reporting is based on official data from the WHO Member States. Although countries report having introduced select vaccines in national immunization schedules, it does not mean children are vaccinated.
Data source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Form on Immunization (JRF)